This was just too funny. Apparently these additive fuel system are running windows. I don’t know of any other OS that has the Blue Screen of Death.

This was just too funny. Apparently these additive fuel system are running windows. I don’t know of any other OS that has the Blue Screen of Death.
The story behind the box My brother-in-law, Jake, who happens to be the same age as me, was born with Cerebral palsy, and so has trouble using most everyday things. Even though he can’t speak or walk, he can get around by a sort of crawl and is good at using pictures in a binder […]
This was a fun project I worked on for TangibleTec. A LeapMotion demo for an up coming Elementary Schools STEM night. For those of you who are unfamiliar with LEAP Motion, it is a hardware sensor device that supports hand and finger motions as input, analogous to a mouse, but requires no hand contact or […]
It is nearing Christmas time again. Last year, I was in an apartment that was doing a Christmas Light Decoration Competition. The first three winner received a discount on the next months rent. So I decided to order some RGB LED strips from and make some really cool IR controllable stars. The process was simple, […]
This was a costume prop my brother and I made for our nephew Carter. Nothing special, just soldered a ring of white LED lights into a transparent 3D printed ring, and powered it all with a couple coin cells. Somehow we missed an LED and couldn’t get it working. And since we welded the LEDs […]
Nothing much to this costume. I just cut up a black fleece blanket into the general shape of toothless wings. Then used a sowing machine to sow the ridges. I was very lazy with the lights. I hot-glued some RGB LED strips to the wings, one on each side of the center ridge. Then wired […]
I recently acquired an LED flood light to help shed some light on my projects. I found that it works best if it is mounted up high. To do this, without putting holes in the wall, I used my tripod. It has a quick release attachment that I find very useful. This quick release mechanism […]
I’ve always wanted to get into robotics, and building a robotic arm is a great place to start. But what can we do with a simple robotics arm kit? I’ve got to start somewhere, and when learning a new skill it helps to start simple. So for this project, I wanted to figure out how […]
I wanted to put my name to my cube and do it with style. I’d like to thank my brother, Jon Kackstaetter, for lending me his talents in3D CAD design and 3D Printing. Check out more of his work at
EDIT: Now you can start building your Xbox One games library from your Xbox 360. Just go to “Games with Gold” from the Gold tile on Home. For a while now Microsoft has been giving away free games to their Xbox live gold members twice a month. When the Xbox One came out they included the […]